Thursday, April 7, 2011

One week later

So when I first started this blog I had so much to say I thought I would be writing nonstop. I would like to write nonstop but I have so much going on. My biggest complaint and what has taken up so much of my time has been recovering our financial files. We do everything in QuickBooks and we back up our files every evening in case maybe I don’t know let’s just say we have a fire. I have spent over 16 hours on the phone with quickbooks to get our files restored and they have not gotten it done. But thanks so much to George Dieck who recovered the server which hosted our QuickBooks files to get what we need back. Now that that is done I can focus on rebuilding.

Most of the equipment was destroyed or damaged beyond repair so we need to do some shopping and in a way that’s exciting. Plus having the option of mixing around the services that we offer to better reflect what are customers are asking for. The fire was devastating physically on the lab and emotionally on me but I am through that initial shock. I have a lot to do and a lot of decisions to be made but I am looking forward to this challenge we will be back better than ever. Thanks for reading.



  1. Hang in there, Vartan, as we are all behind you.

  2. Vartan, I had no idea! I'm so sorry. Wishing you the best for a full and strong comeback!

    Suzy Clement

  3. Like Tom said, hang in there. So glad you decided to rebuild.

  4. There is no place like OSCAR'S that has the sweetest and the most efficient photo services. For a long time, I had my films developed only in OSCAR'S and I was never disappointed with the results. PLease don't close down, please... I am looking forward to dealing with you again!!

  5. Hey guys, What's the latest? Miss your b/w film processing. All best, S.

  6. Any update? I have a growing backlog of color film I need to get processed!
